Rochelle's Friends!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
RochCity | Personal | Family | Interests
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Me, Kaye, and Dave!! 3S HOSTS!! They're very very confident and happy!! I love them so much!!

ateh tiff and baby me!! baliktad!! haha!! She's always there for me and maaasahan talaga!!

Gale and Penny!! My two bffs!! They have always been with me through good and bad..thanks yah guyz!!

me with nicAdaN!! She's my personal therapist/psychiatrist...ngek! mas psycho pa man na saku!! jowk lng dan!!

My cutest superstah-friend Cyrielle!! Together we've built the dream of reaching the star of our dreams!! Right, Cy??

Foolin' around with shObeNg!! She's so fun to be with and very "sabay"!!!

like ladies and the prom!! My friends are so wacky, you wouldn't expect them to be all dressed up in decent garments!! haha!!

at La Castilla under the tree....(hmm..mga unggoy!! haha!!) My classmates are the best in the world!! No other people are like them..duh, unique gud!! haha!!

during the foundation days when Gale returns!!! Gale never failed me even though we're far apart...(sigh) char!!

nice shot!! 3S party2x!! I love my classmates!! They are so kalog but serious in their studies....charrrrruuuuuttttt!!!!! ahahaha!!

the craziest people I love!! Kaye and Dave....brave and responsible people! Aherm! haha!!

ooy! This is Gerald Anderson....feeling close..haha!! He's just cool kasi eh...and hmm...cute!! haha!!

This is the Flintstones' Cast!! Last summer I met these guyz at a summer workshop...they're really me!! haha!!

This is my taekwondo mentor....Sir Jehu Inciong....he's just college y'know!! Sir Jehu is determined and strong...really strong!!!

Don't do sparring with'll break all your limbs!! jowk!!

Hey look! The 3S boys...they're really good in singing and doing BAND!!

This is my beastfriend Daryl Unabia!! He's a really rockin' guy!! He's probably sweet too..ahem, girls?? haha!!

The kanto guRLs!! Fun to be with girls!!

Tiffany, Cathy, and Danica!! 3 pretty girls who are so cool, fun, and treat me like their lil sistah!! cool!

kz and is our class president...but to me, she's more like a FRIEND...char!!

XUHS Seniors...The one second to the left is Renzo...he's so cool and wise..char! He's fun2bwith and he has this side of him which is so amazing...

He's so deep, man!! haha!!

Lastly....The 3S pipz again....the craziest, most supportive, most talented, and most lovable and loving of all!!! All 3S wants is your love...lalala...haha!!
